Narayana stotram mp3
Narayana stotram mp3

Please contact him if you need any more information about the vEdic school or the website: This website is designed and maintained by Vamsee Krishna, one of Sri Sastri's many shiShyas. He is well experienced in fixing muhUrtams for all functions and performs the following rituals among many other smArta rituals: upanayanam, jyotiSha (Vedic astrology for horoscopes), vivAham (marriage), satyanArAyaNa pUja, sImantam, nAmakaraNam, Ayushya homam, gaNapati homam, vAstu (Vedic Laws of Harmonious Architecture), gR^ihapravEsham, navagraha homam, lakshmi pUja, antya kriya (last rites), and shrAddha. Before that, he served as a veda pandit in Mahavallabha Ganapati Temple (New York, NY), Sri Venkateswara Temple (Cary, NC), and Shiva Vishnu Temple (Livermore, CA). ShrI shAstri recently started Sri Satyanarayana Swamy Devasthanam in San Jose, California and serves as the founder-chairman of the Board of the Directors. You can also contact him at vedapandit AT. He is also well versed in vEdic astrology. He learned kR^iShNa yajurvEdam for 10 years in a gurukulam. ShrI mArEpalli nAga vE.nkaTa shAstri hails from kothagUdem, AP, India.

  • sAi stOtram by shrI mArEpalli nAga vE.nkaTa shAstri with music.
  • shirdi sAi stotram (Composed by shrI mArEpalli nAga vE.nkaTa shAstri and Rendered by shrI hari achyuta rAma shA stri).
  • bhakti manjari Introduction (in Telugu).
  • shrI satya dEvam bhaje-1 (all 4 parts below composed by shrI charan pAladugu and chanted by shrI mArEpalli nAga vE.nkaTa shAstri).
  • Introduction to shrI satya dEvam bhaje in telugu by Dr.
  • narayana stotram mp3

  • chanDI sapta shati (dEvI aparAdha stOtram) -24.
  • chanDI sapta shati (kunjikA stOtram) -23 (NEW).
  • chanDI sapta shati (mUrtI rahasyam) -22 (NEW).
  • chanDI sapta shati (vaikrutI rahasyam) -21 (NEW).
  • chanDI sapta shati (pradhAnikA rahasyam) -20 (NEW).
  • chanDI sapta shati (trayOdasha adyAyam) -19 (NEW).
  • chanDI sapta shati (dvAdasha adyAyam) -18 (NEW).
  • chanDI sapta shati (ekAdasha adyAyam) -17 (NEW).
  • narayana stotram mp3

  • chanDI sapta shati (dashama adyAyam) -16 (NEW).
  • chanDI sapta shati (navama adyAyam) -15 (NEW).
  • chanDI sapta shati (aShTama adyAyam) -14 (NEW).
  • chanDI sapta shati (saptama adyAyam) -13 (NEW).
  • chanDI sapta shati (ShaShThi adyAyam) -12 (NEW).
  • chanDI sapta shati (dEvI panchama adyAyam) -11 (NEW).
  • chanDI sapta shati (chaturthi adyAyam) -10 (NEW).
  • narayana stotram mp3

    chanDI sapta shati (tritIya adyAyam) -9 (NEW).chanDI sapta shati (dvitIya adyAyam) -8 (NEW).chanDI sapta shati (prathama adyAyam) -7 (NEW).chanDI sapta shati (rAtrI sUktam) -6 (NEW).chanDI sapta shati (dEvI kIlakam) -5 (NEW).chanDI sapta shati (dEvI argaLa stOtram) -4 (NEW).chanDI sapta shati (dEvI kavacham) -3 (NEW).chanDI sapta shati (ganesha prArdhana) -2 (NEW).Introduction chanDI sapta shati (in telugu)-1 (NEW).

    narayana stotram mp3

  • Introduction to durgA sapta shati shlOkAvaLi in telugu.
  • Note: We have followed the ITrans scheme to transliterate Samskrita words in English letters to accurately represent Samskrita letters. Please listen to these very sacred mantras with a clean body and a pure mind to enhance your spiritual progress. VEda dhvani (Sound of the vEda ) gives peace of mind when listened with reverence and renders the mind fit for contemplation. The vEdas are the basis for the world's oldest and continuous civilization arising out of bhAratavarSha (India). The vEda mantras have been passed down orally for more than 6000 years without any change, either in their intonation or the content.


    However, feel free to learn the stotras as they are not bound by shruti. Please do not attempt to learn the mantras from the audio without the guidance of a qualified guru, since a mantra by definition should only be recited according to the right shruti. shruti (right intonation) is extremely important for the recitation of the vEda. The audio files in the following links present you the Knowledge as discovered by the vEdic R^iShis (Seers).

    Narayana stotram mp3